Monday, November 10, 2008


I don't even remember what reminded me of board games, 2 days back, but the thought that board games are hardly visible these days in urban homes, disturbed me, forced me to think. Ofcourse the answer was obvious, technology. There used to be a very famous store called Paragon on Park street, it was my dream place as a kid, the store was full of toys and board games and I hadn't heard of any customer dissatisfied of their services or any kid. I think its a human tendency that anything that moves, anything that generates a response is much more exciting. Every human by nature is very interactive, there are no shy people in this world. They are probably looking for the right people to interact with. When it comes to board games, even they are interactive. The most popular board games like monopoly, ludo, snakes and ladders, scotland yard, you had to play it with 2 or more. All of them demanded physical interaction with friends. It also introduced me at times with new friends through our common friends.

Technology has just upgraded the interaction, now we even communicate with computers, every game demands 2 players. Through computers and with the help of the internet we can also play with our friends who might be really far away.

So, is it that these board games are going to die out?? Yes they will, over time, if they keep selling it to the wrong consumer. They should actually customize the games for rural India and make it more user friendly. Interact with them in their own language. Every game has its own language. Once they learn it, they will never forget it. There is no ABCD in Ludo. I m pretty sure that many people don't even know what Ludo means although they played it almost everyday in their childhood. Technology will take time to catch up with rural India. They could actually bring some outdoor local games and create a board version of the game. They should also come out with some educational games which would enable them to learn as well as have fun. Companies like Leo mattel should host exhibitions and should have their executives interact with the people of the small town, rural India and explain these games. Demonstrate, go back to the basics, door to door, surprise them!! Host board game competitions. Customize games according to their values, perceptions, desires. Hoardings and press ads won't work.

The opportunity is really really big!! Even in the time of recession. You are talking to people who save, who believe investment is for long term. They are not impatient, not running away with life. And the biggest reason why you should talk to them is because they will listen and why?? because they have time.

Let me know your perspective!

" A fresh perspective everyday keeps the mindsets away!"


MIND MINTS said...

Ya you are right. Right segment of consumers have to be identified. Indian ruaral market has great potential, and you need not worry, the market guys after a few blunders, will definately wisen up to rural market potentitial, and the recent economic meltdown will speed up the process.

I am waiting for the role reversal. The urban guys have started talking about 'simple living' with looming job cut threats.

Yousuf said...

Brilliant post bro!

Wow, you write and design your pages so well! Amazing. And there's so many insights in there!

You're so good! Keep it up!

And yeah, I fully agree with you. In fact, I never thought of things this way.


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