Wednesday, November 5, 2008

You made a BLUNDER!!!! thts ok as long as.....

Been a really long time since I posted. Was caught up with too much work and to be honest, never came across something really interesting. But there have been a series of incidents which I recalled today from my school to college days and in my professional life which forced me to post. Ofcourse, the blunders that one of my friends committed today played a vital and a hilarious role in reminding me of such incidents.

Anyways, whenever you make a blunder, its ok as long as there are no consequences or repercussions coz you are bound to make mistakes or blunders, in your professional life as well as your personal life. But even if there were blunders made, and you crawled your way out of it, its great. Some hotshots like to call it Crisis management or presence of mind and what not. I prefer to call it you saved your ass management.

But don't congratulate yourself everytime you recall a blunder or a crisis and how you survived it etc etc, rather learn from it, don't repeat the blunder or the mistake and then laugh over it for the rest of your life.
I m sure its happened with you guys. In retrospect, you can probably have a laugh and keep laughing everytime you are reminded of such incidents.

"I don't write long, its just my sentences"

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